Earlier this year, Old Glory under their
Blue Moon Manufacturing heading started making 15mm pirate, wild west, and World War I figures, with plans for science fiction in the near future. I knew these figures were larger than other 15mm figures, coming out closer to 18mm but gladly bought all the pirate codes they had. I passed on the wild west because I have been rooted in 25mm western, but it was very tempting to start another scale/size!

Yesterday, I decided to size up the figures next to my 35-year old scale ruler. Lo and behold, the figures are nearly dead on for HO scale as you can see in the photo. The Blue Moon pirates scale to about 5.5' tall--just about right for average humans of that time and close enough for me in general.
From left to right, the figures are Rebel Minis, Peter Pig, Splintered Light, and the Blue Moon. You can see how much larger the Blue Moon figure is to the other three. The upcoming Blue Moon aliens might work because aliens can be larger than humans. However, I would not want to mix Peter Pig pirates and westerns with their Blue Moon counterparts.
Ran Out of Time: More To Come Later!
I was going to do a large section on using the Blue Moon Western figures with HO scale models but have run out of time this evening. I'll work on it for tomorrow or asap. Being a model railroader, I am now really tempted to jump into 15mm Westerns! My favorite hobby is building model railroad structures.