I've tried to include as much variety in the look of the different unit as possible. This means that you probably can create a High Elf army that looks like a 4th or 5th edition army, which is the basis of the original Warmaster armies. You might also be able to pull together a more modern looking High Elf army. This is why I provide multiple dragon-mounted generals from across various WHFB editions, and alternate units like the Sword Masters and Dragon Princes.
You might notice two versions of the Bolt Thrower. The top-down version is from my original set and is based vertically, as it should be. The other bolt thrower sets are mounted horizontally but feature a scene, not just the thrower. If you like the latter, simply turn them sideways to use during the game. That's the best I could do with the photos I had to work with!

Printing the Counters
I hope some of you find these counter sets useful.You can print these at office printing places, like Staples, using heavy card stock paper printed at actual size. You can also print on regular paper and then glue the counters to wooden bases. (Check the older posts on how I did this with my Empire army.) Currently, I'm printing the counter sets at Staples using regular paper, spray gluing the back of each sheet with Super77, attaching each sheet to an old comic book backing board, and then cutting out the counters using a sharp Xacto knife with steel ruler. Using the backing boards makes for cheap, sturdy counters.
Click on the counter set image above to download the complete counter set in PDF format. The set has enough counters to create the sample armies below and many armies of 2000 points or less. Of course, if you need more counters simply print more copies!
High Elves Army Lists
Total Points: 1,900
1x General
2x Wizards (1x Scroll of Dispelling)
6x Spearmen
4x Archers
4x Reavers
2x Chariots
2x Giant Eagles
2x Bolt Throwers
Total Points: 2,000
1x General
2x Heroes
1x Wizard
6x Archers
7x Spearmen
3x Reavers
1x Silver Helms
2x Chariots
2x Bolt Thowers
Total Points: 2,000
1x General
2x Heroes
2x Wizards
6x Spearmen
4x Archers
3x Silver Helms
3x Reavers
1x Chariots
2x Bolt Throwers
Total Points: 2,000
1x General (Orb of Majesty)
2x Heroes (Giant Eagle mount, Dragon Mount, Sword of Fate)
2x Wizards (1x Scroll of Dispelling, 1x Staff of Spellbinding)

4x Archers
4x Silverhelms
2x Bolt Throwers
High Elves Tactics
If you are interested in playing a High Elves army, I highly recommend downloading the "Elves Strategems" article originally published in Warmaster Magazine and then reprinted on the old Specialist Games website. You can still download it by clicking this link at the Specialist Arms website.