Warmaster Paper Armies

On this page, you'll find links to my paper counter sets for Games Workshop's 10mm mass-combat fantasy game, Warmaster. Many of these sets began their life in 2002 and were posted to the old Yahoo Warmaster email list. They were the first paper counters anyone had created for the game and had the blessings of Warmaster's designer, the famous Rick Priestley himself. I made these counters because I had no money for real miniatures and I wanted the entire gaming community to enjoy Warmaster.

Warmaster Ancients and DBA
In late 2014, I also began creating Warmaster Ancient counters. Since the counters have no stats on them, they also can be used with any stand-based games, such as DBA. They also can be used with the original Warmaster or even its spiritual historical successor, Hail Caesar. (Actually, using stands instead of individual figures is fairly easy in most fantasy and historical rules.) 

Easy as P-D-F!
All sets are in PDF format. When printing them, please print them at full size so that the counters print correctly. Do not click "fit to print" or "fit to margins," which will make them print too small.
When telling gamers about these counters, you may link to this page or the files, but please do not republish the sets elsewhere. Why? It sure ain't for money reasons! All kidding aside, I'm a constant tinkerer. If I change/update the sets, I want gamers to have the best versions possible.

How to Download the PDFs
Below, you can see a thumbnail image of the sheets in each set. To download an army's counter set, click on the set's images to open or save the PDF. Click on the army's name to go to the latest blog post for the army, which often includes sample army lists and other helpful information about the army. 

Enjoy and Comment!
If you enjoy using the counters, have suggestions, or criticisms, let me know in the comments below. (Since this page is an old post, I have to approve all comments. This is to keep spammers in check. So it might take a day or so to see your comment appear.) I'd appreciate hearing from you.

Click on the set's image to download the set in PDF format. Each set typically has enough counters to create armies up to 2,000 points. Of course, if you need more counters simply print more copies! Click on the set's title for army lists using the counter set and other info on the army, if available.

Anglo-Saxon (March 16, 2021)

Assyrian (May 8, 2015)

Britons & Celts (December 5, 2015)

Dacian (May 6, 2018)

Early Imperial Roman (New Version) (July 4, 2021)

Gallic (May 11, 2015)

Hittite (November 7, 2015)

Late Roman (May 22, 2015)

New Kingdom Egyptian (May 9, 2015)

Normans (March 27, 2021)

Norse (April 30, 2021)

Sassanid Persians (June 4, 2020)

The "generic" ancient counter sets below use the same counters as their Warmaster Ancients counterparts above, except these counters do not contain unit labels and are not grouped into pre-made units. These sets provide greater flexibility for those who play other DBA-based games or for those not wanting labels. As I post a WMA set, I will post its corresponding basic set. As time permits, I will create basic sets for older WMA sets. Note that shock cavalry basing will remain as it is in the WMA set. Gamers long have asked for these basic sets. Let me know what you think in the comments below.

Anglo-Saxon (May 15, 2021)

Early Imperial Roman (July 4, 2021)

Norman (May 15, 2021)

Norse (July 4, 2021)

Click on the set's image to download the set in PDF format. Each set typically has enough counters to create armies up to 2,000 points. Of course, if you need more counters simply print more copies! Click on the set's title for army lists using the counter set and other info on the army, if available.

Albion (January 27, 2021)

Albion and High Elves Giant Eagles (January 13, 2021)

Araby (May 7, 2015)

Beastmen (February 11, 2021)

Bretonnian (May 28, 2018)

Chaos (April 25, 2020)

Chaos Daemon (May 14, 2020)

Chaos Dwarfs (March 12, 2021)

Dark Elves (February 3, 2018)

Dogs of War (June 8, 2018)

Dwarfs (December 28, 2015)

Empire (January 21, 2016)

Goblins (May 25, 2020)

High Elves (November 15, 2015)

Kislev (March 2, 2020)

Lizardmen (March 4, 2016)

Orcs (May 19, 2020)

Skaven (June 1, 2018)

Undead Tomb Kings (June 25, 2016)

Vampire Counts (May 16, 2020)

Wood Elves (May 7, 2020)


  1. Fantastic work really like the new counters.

    Hope you find time to update all the Warmaster Fantasy counters, when you are feeling better.

    Get well soon!

    1. Good news. I'm going to be working on them over the next couple months. :-)

  2. Nice work on the High Elves.

    One of my 1st. Warmaster armies.

    1. Thanks, Tony! HE sure are a Warhammer/Warmaster staple.

  3. Just wanted to drop in and say thanks for creating these. I've used the Empire counters, and plan on printing the Dwarves and Orcs. I'm looking forward to seeing more of these get updated, especially the Tomb Kings and Vampire Counts!

    1. Glad you like them, Brian! The Tomb Kings and Vampire Counts are high on my lists to re-do. When WM came out, I was obsessed with the Tomb Kings, but my young son was into Empire and Orcs. So...

  4. Great work and thanks a bunch :)

  5. What has happened to the Dark Elves, could you put them back up. Great work just found the site.

  6. Great work, just found the site. Could you please put the dark elves up, they seem to be missing the file.

    1. Thanks for letting me know, Harvey! I actually had the revised set done but never uploaded it for some forgetful reason. Took care of that this evening. I hope you enjoy them.

  7. What a great find, very cool counters! I don't suppose you're still updating these?

  8. Thanks, Andy! I enjoy your site as well.

  9. Great counters! If I wanted to glue these to bases, what size bases would you suggest I purchase? Thank you!

    1. Thanks. They will fit fine on standard 40mm x 20mm bases. The couple marked 'old' will also fit but will be a tad smaller.

  10. What size paper should i print them out with?

    1. They print on standard American 8.5" x 11". Print them at full size, not shrinking to fit margins. They should also print fine on larger paper as long as they're printed at their normal size.

  11. Do you suppose you will ever revise the Chaos and Wood Elf counters?

    1. Wow. I forgot about them. I had been working on them and just stopped for some reason. I'll get back on them as soon as I can.

  12. Thanks for this amazing work, aiming to get all the armies printed and mounted on mdf bases before I start my new job in a month.

    1. Glad you like them. I used MDF bases for my dwarf army. The bonus is that the MDF bases can be reused late on for the actual miniatures.

  13. Uploaded a new version of the Vampire Counts for Fantasy and Revolution. See its main blog post for changes and improvements. I've deleted the old 2018 post and pdf.

  14. I seem to be on a roll! Uploaded a new Orc army set and took down the old set. See the army's new blog post from May 19 for more info, a link to an Orcs tactics article from WarMag 5 I just uploaded, and a couple new army lists. Enjoy!

  15. these are brilliant. I love gaming but hate painting so they are a godsend :-). Is there any chance of further Ancients lists being covered?

  16. Thanks! Yes. I've been working on Republic Rome, Carthage, Norman, Norse, and Arthurian off the top of my head. (I'm on my tablet, so I can't see what's in my laptop files.) I want to do the other armies from the core Ancients book. I'm going to add armies from Rick Priestley's now-gone website, and post those stat lines here, such as the variant for Imperial Rome. I'd like to have the sets work with other rules as well, mainly DBA3.

    On the fantasy front, I'm getting ready to post the Goblins set.

  17. Must admit i like to play lots of periods (which would bankrupt me if i played them all with miniatures) so the more the merrier! Goblins a good example really - horde armies cost a fortune so you hardly ever see them but with these you can really go nuts...which i certainly intend to do ....

  18. Posted the Goblins Army set today. Be sure to check the set's full blog post. I reprint the army tips from the original Warmaster Magazine issue, a sample 1,000pt army, and some other insights into the designing the set, especially if you have the Orcs & Goblins set already.

    I'm not sure which will be my next set posted. I move as the muses take me. LoL!

    Earlier today, I finished cutting out my Orcs & Goblins set, which I mounted on Silver Age comic backing boards. It will go up against my Dwarf army. I'm trying to get my son interested to play. He's 29 now and has his own interests. If not, I will have to go solo. I also finished cutting up a second mounted set of Imperial Romans for some Rome-on-Rome civil war action using Warmaster Ancients. (This also ties into the latest issue of Wargames, Soldiers, & Strategy I picked up, which has a theme of Roman civil war.)

  19. thanks for the goblins - think i might need some more mdf bases :-) Could i make a plea for Sassanids as some contemporary opponents for the late romans - truth be told i just like elephants!

  20. Today, I posted the Sassanid Persian army, which is an enemy for the Late Romans. As always, check out the set's post on the blog's homepage for more details.

  21. Uploaded the new Giant Eagles sheet for the upcoming Albion set and the older High Elves. Check the blog homepage for details.

  22. I finally finished the Albion fantasy set for Warmaster Revolution. Remember, you'll also need to download the separate Albion Eagle set, which is right after the Albion set above. As always, please check the blog's homepage for details.

  23. Posted the Beastmen army for Warmaster and Revolution.

  24. Fantastic set! Many thanks por uploading this. I have a suggestion for the Goblin set, because I see them with the same size than a human for example, and taller than dwarfs! They do not seem small size criatures. Also, about dwarfs, I see them very colourful, I preferred the old set of dwarfs, with their brown and metallic colors, but this is more like a personal opinion. Very cool work, and waiting for the chaos dwarfs!

    1. Thanks!

      You know, I didn't think about the sizes of the images for the smaller races. It's a valid point! I'll have to experiment to see what I can do. BTW I always worry about big things, like shrinking trolls and ogres down to the size of a counter or chariot counters not looking like chariots.

      About the counter images, I've had to use whatever color images of figures I could find online or scanned from GW catalogs or White Dwarfs. So I got forced into some sets looking more random than I wanted them to look. :-(

      The good news is that a couple weeks ago I got many 'new' old GW catalogs I didn't have before and some old WD issues missing from my collection. Lots of good stuff in them. I had been thinking about redoing older sets and your post convinced me to do that!

      I'm working on the Chaos Dwarfs right now. I think they will look good. That should be the next set.

      Thanks again for commenting! I really appreciate it.

  25. The Anglo-Saxon Warmaster Ancients set is ready to fight! I hope you all enjoy this new set. Normans are in the works, for 1066 of course! Norse are close behind. Also, in the near future look for un-labled counters of the older and the new sets. Those can be used for any rules. (Old sets will take longer because I have to rework the command stand images.) Enjoy! And let me know what you think.

  26. Absolutely brilliant! Thank you so much for scanning all these and making them available. I have been looking at ways to play Warmaster using Roll20 and these minis are ideal.Looking forward to the Normans now. Thanks again!

  27. This is great work, and lets non-painters into the hobby. Thanks so much.

    1. Yes, it's always good when new folks join the hobby.

  28. Posted the Norman army set today. Besides downloading the PDF from here, check out the Home page post for Norman rules, a list of 10mm miniatures, and more. Let me know what you think.

  29. The Norman army looks great, love the contrasting shield colours. Really appreciate the work that has gone into creating these. If I could put in a request though, is there any chance of some ancient Greeks at some point in the future? (Bronze age Greeks, not old bearded men). Thanks.

    1. I would say there is a good chance.:-)

      Glad you like Normans.

  30. Today, I uploaded the Norse army for Warmaster Ancients. Creating this set gave me more problems than the larger sets in my Dark Ages series. I finished it a few weeks ago, I but did not have the time and energy to upload it. (Work at the college has been nuts as we close out the Spring semester.) I hope you all enjoy it. (I will be posting the 'generic' DA set asap now that Norse are done.)

  31. Added the new Basic Ancient counter sets without labels. Check them out, and let me know what you think.

  32. Thank you very much, these are absolutely amazing!

  33. Uploaded my redone new Early Imperial Roman set for Warmaster and a basic set. Please see the EIR's new page. It explains what units represent, such as Moorish Light Cavalry and Numidian skirmishers. Plus, I've added some new army lists to try. I also explain why I redid this set, which is very popular.

    Also, the link to the Basic Norse set above now loads the right pdf instead of the Anglo-Saxon file. Ooops!

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  35. Thanks, Dave! I hope you enjoy them.

  36. Was wondering what became of the Dark Elves?

    1. I checked into it. Where I keep all my PDfs online is an "insecure" connection because it isn't https. Looks like Firefox automatically blocks downloads from it. Chrome blocks the download but you can override it. Edge seems to autoblock them. Sigh. This is a bit nuts. I'll have to find a new place to host the files I guess. I have no idea when the fellow who hosts my Conrail website (for free for 20+ years) will upgrade to https. Thanks for bring this to my attention. I'll have to put a notice on the blog homepage.

  37. So fantastic to have these. Any chance of you doing Ogres?

    1. Glad you like them! I'll have to give the Ogre Kingdom list a look.

    2. I want to second James' post. The counters are great and have enabled my Warmaster gaming group to try new armies! I always bring a paper army whenever I'm demoing the game to show that the threshold to play can be very low.

      An Ogre Kingdoms set would be much appreciated, if and when you find the time and inspiration 🙂

    3. Glad you like them. I began working on Ogres but ran out of steam. I'd like to return to them (and others) this fall.

  38. Still great starting point for newbies. Big thanx for that !

  39. Looks great, but is there a reason why the images are so pixelated ?

  40. It would be nice if you could create a set of counters for Battle of Five Armies.


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