Wednesday, January 13, 2021

New Giant Eagles for Warmaster Albion & High Elves

While finishing work on my Warmaster Revolution Albion army counter set, I was going to copy the old Giant Eagle counters from the High Elves set over to the Albion set but changed my mind after looking for some new images online. In the end, I found so many new images of the newer Games Workshop eagle miniatures, mostly from The Hobbit line, that I couldn't choose what to use!

So, I decided to use them all, allowing you all to choose which counters you want to use for your armies. You can also choose how you want to create your units. Want all three counters the same image? Okay, you got it. Want to mix and match? Okay, you got it! I like having many choices.

The finished product is a single, stand-alone sheet of Great Eagle counters. The counters with the dark green labels are for the upcoming Albion set. The light blue labels can replace the High Elves counters I posted a while ago. Also, the new labels just say "Eagles" for style reasons--I didn't want the labels eating up images. I think we all know these are really big eagles anyway.

Tonight, I realized that somewhere along the way I began using two different fonts for the counter labels! Most of my fantasy and historical sets use the Verdana font, while some newer sets use Tahoma. It's not really important, but I made sure these new eagle labels use the 'proper' font for that set. Tahoma is more compact than Verdana and will probably become my new default font, unless folks make a good case to keep Verdana. (I don't have the $$$ to use a fancy Adobe graphics program, relying on my trusty Paint Shop Pro instead, so tiny fonts are challenge.)

I hope you enjoy these counters and find them useful. Let me know in the comments below. (In this post, I almost said 'The eagles have landed!' but I fought the temptation!)

Printing the Counters
You can print the counter sheer at places like Staples, using 110lb card stock paper printed at actual size. You can also print on regular paper and then glue the counters to wooden bases. (Check the older posts on how I did this with my Empire army.) Do not print the pdf to "fit margins." Always print at 100%.  I like printing the counter sets on good copy paper, spray gluing the dull side of a 'Silver Age' comic backing board with Super 77, attaching a sheet to the board, and then cutting out the counters using a sharp Xacto knife with a steel ruler. Using the backing boards makes for cheap, sturdy counters. I like keeping the shiny side down to make moving them easier on a table. (Note: This set is designed to fit Silver Age and larger comic backing boards.)

Click on the counter set image below to download the sheet of Giant Eagle counters set in PDF format.

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