The Daemon Army was one of last official Warmaster armies for which Games Workshop made 10mm miniatures. Unfortunately, the line was incomplete. For example, Games Workshop never made 10mm miniatures for Daemon Chariots and Daemon Beasts. (Please correct me if I'm wrong on this.)
I've used images of the actual Warmaster 10mm Greater Daemons and Lord miniatures. I've also used as many images as possible of Daemon horde 28mm miniatures from the early 2000's, improvising with Age of Sigmar miniatures where needed, such as with the chariots and beasts.
I've also left my usual unit tags off the greater daemon and character stands, allowing players to determine which stands to use in their armies to represent those figures. There is an extra untagged stand of Nurgle Beasts in case players want to use those figures for something else in the army.
I hope you enjoy this counter set regardless which version of Warmaster or other miniature rules you play. Please leave your comments and questions below.

I hope you find these paper army sets useful. You can print them at places like Staples or Kinkos, using 110lb card stock paper printed at actual size. You can also print on regular paper and then glue the counters to wooden bases. (Check the older posts on how I did this with my Empire army.) Do not print the pdf to "fit margins." Always print at 100%. I like printing the counter sets on good copy paper, spray gluing the dull side of a 'Silver Age' comic backing board with Super77, attaching a sheet to the board, and then cutting out the counters using a sharp Xacto knife with a steel ruler. Using the backing boards makes for cheap, sturdy counters. I like keeping the shiny side down to make moving them easier on a table. Note: This version is designed to fit Silver Age and larger comic backing boards.
Click on the counter set image above to download the complete army counter set in PDF format. The set has enough counters to create many armies of 2,000 points or less. Of course, if you need more counters simply print more copies! Unfortunately, I do not have any Daemon sample armies.
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