Wednesday, December 22, 2021
All PDFs now hosted on Google Drive
Wednesday, December 15, 2021
Moving PDFs to new host
Sunday, July 4, 2021
New Early Imperial Roman Paper Army
I also wanted to use the many new figures that have been released over the past several years, while standardizing the height of the infantry and cavalry. I also wanted to use troops that the EIR would have used depending on the battle. For example, Balearic Slingers, Numidians, Spanish, Praetorians, and Sarmations. I've listed some of these later in the post, so you know what they are. I've also posted some new army lists to try out. I imported everything else from the old EIR post, deleting it and its files from my server.
Other than the artillery units and the original General stands, I have remade every counter in this set.
Generic Set: The generic set will go up soon. I will include heavy cavalry based along the long counter edge and two army camps, which some other games use. I'll post it on the Warmaster Paper Armies page with the other generic sets.

Printing the Counters
Print the counter sheets at actual (100%) size. Do not print to "fit margins." You can cut the counters and then use them how you like. If printing on card stock, for example, 110lb has worked well for me. You could also glue the counters onto wooden stands from Litko, giving them a miniatures feel. I sized this set so each page of counters will fit on a cheap 'Silver Age' comic backing board. Spray glue the sheet onto the backing board, and then cut out the counters using a sharp Xacto knife with a steel ruler. The counters will last a long time this way. However you do it, I hope you enjoy using this set of counters. Let me know what you think in the comments below.
Warmaster Sample Armies
1000 Points
1x General w/Portents
1x Legate
1x Veteran Legion
4x Legions
2x Auxiliaries
2x Archers
1x Heavy Cavalry
2x Light Cavalry
Total Points: 995
1000 Points
1x General
2x Legates
4x Legions
4x Auxiliaries
1x Archers
2x Skirmishers
1x Light Cavalry
1x Scorpion
Total Points: 995
1000 Points
1x General
1x Legate
1x Veteran Legion
4x Legions
3x Auxiliaries
1x Archers
2x Skirmishers
1x Heavy Cavalry
1x Scorpion
Total Points: 990
1000 Points
1x General
1x Legate
5x Legions
3x Auxiliaries
1x Archers
2x Skirmishers
1x Heavy Cavalry
1x Scorpion
Total Points: 980
1000 Points
1x General
2x Legate
4x Legions
4x Auxiliaries
1x Archers
2x Skirmishers
1x Light Cavalry
1x Scorpion
Total Points: 995
2000 Points
1x General w/Portents
3x Legates
2x Veteran Legions
8x Legions
6x Auxiliaries
3x Archers
3x Skirmishers
1x Heavy Cavalry
2x Light Cavalry
2x Scorpions
Total Points: 1975
2x Veteran Legion
8x Legion
6x Auxiliaries
3x Archers
5x Skirmishers
1x Heavy Cavalry
1x Light Cavalry
2x Scorpion
1x General w/ Portents
3x Legates
Total Points: 1975 (23/12)
2000 Points by Robert Waller
2x Veteran Legion
8x Legion
6x Auxiliaries
2x Archers
2x Skirmishers
2x Heavy Cavalry
2x Light Cavalry
2x Scorpion
1x General w/ Portents
3x Legate
Total Points: 1985 (24/12)
Light Cavalry
Light Germanic Cavalry |
Light Moorish Cavalry |
Light Numidian Cavalry |
Light Roman Cavalry |
Light Roman Cavalry |
Balearic Slings |
Roman skirmishers |
Germanic slings |
Numidian javelins |
Spanish Caetrati |
Heavy Cavalry
Note the images are aligned with the bottom of the counter, unlike before.
Praetorian |
Sarmation |
Command Units
The Legate and General images are from the excellent First Legion "toy soldiers," which cost only $60 upward! The Legate holding his helmet is from King & Country toy soldiers. Yes, this Legate is the same height as the others. The helmet gives the illusion of greater height! I wish I had the money for these "toy soldiers"! I love the new General with his tent. The other two generals are an homage to the old set. Plus, the variety of generals and legates allows this set to be used in Roman Civil War battles.
Emperor Marcus Aurelius |
Saturday, May 15, 2021
New "Basic" Ancient Counters Sets
Friday, April 30, 2021
Norse Warmaster Ancients Paper Army
Norse Warmaster Ancients Army List
As always, you can use the Warmaster Army Selector website to create Norse army lists. As I've done for the other two armies, I've also included a scan of the Norse army page from the Warmaster Ancients rulebook. This is the only army list for the Norse. Other than a fantasy version for Warmaster Revolution, no other historical variant has been published that I am aware of.
I have also included a scan of the Norse page from the Ancients rulebook, listing all the army information and tactics. You can download it as a pdf file by clicking its image to the right. No variant army lists were posted for the Norse, but the fantasy-based Warmaster Revolution does have their own Norse list.

Printing the Counters
Print the counter sheets at actual (100%) size. Do not print to "fit margins." You can cut the counters and then use them how you like. If printing on cardstock, for example, 110lb has worked well for me. You could also glue the counters onto wooden stands from Litko, giving them a miniatures feel. I sized this set so each page of counters will fit on a cheap 'Silver Age' comic backing board. Spray glue the sheet onto the backing board, and then cut out the counters using a sharp Xacto knife with a steel ruler. The counters will last a long time this way. However you do it, I hope you enjoy using this set of counters. Let me know what you think in the comments below.
Saturday, March 27, 2021
Normans Warmaster Ancients Paper Army
Norman Warmaster Ancients Army List
The Warmaster Army Selector website lists all the armies in the Ancients core rulebook, so you can use it to create your own Norman army. I don't have any sample Norman armies to present, but it shouldn't be too hard to figure out some.I have also included a scan of the Normans page from the Ancients rulebook, listing all the army information and tactics. You can download it as pdf file by clicking its image to the right. The Normans take a single page in the rulebook, so that makes it easy! On his old Warmaster website, Rick Priestley did have an army list for Sicilian Normans (1035-1194), which is very different from the one presented here. Right now, I have no plans for that army.
Ancients Using Warmaster Revolution?
Also, if you do not own Warmaster Ancients and do not feel like rummaging around online for a copy, I would think the Warmaster Revolution rules would suffice because they merged the Ancients rules into the Fantasy rules. Don't quote me on this. I haven't done any comparisons. If anyone knows if using the Revolution rules would or would not work for Ancients armies, please leave a comment below.
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Old Glory 10mm |
For those looking to recreate a Norman army, here are a few suggestions in various scales. They are the usual suspects for 10mm. Let me know in the comments if I missed any 10mm Normans or what you think about them.
Old Glory Miniatures has 8 packs of 10mm Normans. Two of those pack are command, one mounted and the other foot. I'm not sure if William and Bishop Odo would be in there.
Magister Militum has a number of Norman packs, but their website always drives me nuts. I leave it to you to search for them!
Pendraken Miniatures, the perennial historical 10mm manufacturer, has 9 packs of Normans, one of which is a command pack.
Kallistra has six packs of Normans, one of which is a command pack. Of course, these are on the 12mm side.
I wanted to add a 15mm listing, but have run out of time tonight. That will be another post for another day.
Battle of Hastings in 10mm
If you want to see an excellent Battle of Hastings recreated in 10mm using Pendraken miniatures and the Warmaster Ancients rules, check out Dan Becker's website. He also gives a good historical overview of the battle and advice on painting Saxons and Normans in other scales as well. His page is from 2019. Tell him I said hi!
![]() |
The troops are deployed. Let the battle begin! |

Printing the Counters
Print the counter sheets at actual (100%) size. Do not print to "fit margins." You can cut the counters and then use them how you like. If printing on cardstock, for example, 110lb has worked well for me. You could also glue the counters onto wooden stands from Litko, giving them a miniatures feel. I sized this set so each page of counters will fit on a cheap 'Silver Age' comic backing board. Spray glue the sheet onto the backing board, and then cut out the counters using a sharp Xacto knife with a steel ruler. The counters will last a long time this way. However you do it, I hope you enjoy using this set of counters. Let me know what you think in the comments below.
Friday, March 26, 2021
The Normans are Almost Here!
As prep work for my Normans, I began reading more about them beyond Hastings. Long story short, the Normans began fascinating me. There were more battles than Hastings, which was more interesting than my superficial judgment.I love when this happens to me. (The same thing happened to me with Republic Rome.)
All of this is my way of saying that I will be posting the set of Norman army counters by the end of the week. It will be for Warmaster Ancients, but I have other plans also. Stay tuned.
Tuesday, March 16, 2021
Anglo-Saxon Warmaster Ancients Paper Army
On Rick's now-gone Warmaster website, he had posted an army list for Early Saxons covering 420-885 AD, which I have. Right now, I want to get a Norman army set posted before I move onto something like the Early Saxons. Norse should even come before them.
I'll also be posting a set of Anglo-Saxon counters that don't have any Warmaster Ancients labels on them, just one counter from each unit plus the command stands. Players can use those in any rules, mixing and matching to heart's content. Stay tuned.
Most of the images in this set are from the Wargame's Foundry Anglo-Saxon 28mm set. Some others come from Gripping Beast, at least from what I remember.

Printing the Counters
You can print the counter sheer at places like Staples, using 110lb card stock paper printed at actual size. You can also print on regular paper and then glue the counters to wooden bases. (Check the older posts on how I did this with my Empire army.) Do not print the pdf to "fit margins." Always print at 100%. I like printing the counter sets on good copy paper, spray gluing the dull side of a 'Silver Age' comic backing board with Super 77, attaching a sheet to the board, and then cutting out the counters using a sharp Xacto knife with a steel ruler. Using the backing boards makes for cheap, sturdy counters. I like keeping the shiny side down to make moving them easier on a table. (Note: This set is designed to fit Silver Age and larger comic backing boards.)
Friday, March 12, 2021
Chaos Dwarf Warmaster Fantasy Paper Army
The paper counter set for the Chaos Dwarfs is done and available for download. Plenty of style and counter choices, even for those who do not want labels on their counters. Keen eyes might spot new Orc counters that look more like Warmaster 2000 than those in my current Orc set. To download the Chaos Dwarfs PDF, just click the images below. Same as it always is. Enjoy.

Thursday, February 11, 2021
Beastmen Warmaster Fantasy Paper Army
Finally, my Beastmen counter set has arrived. You can find the army list for Beastmen in Warmaster Revolution 1.1 and in Warmaster Trial Armies (2009). I think you should be able to get a 2000 point army out of these counters. Most of the images are of Games Workshop miniatures from across their Beastmen ranges. Even some old Foundry and Harlequin miniatures are in the set. As always, I try to allow gamers to customize their units (mixing and matching stands) as much as I can, which is why some units, like Dragon Ogres and Minotaurs, have more units than needed.
I have never played Beastmen in Warmaster or Warhammer, so this was a new army for me. I know there are 10mm Beastmen out there from Pendraken at least. I do have some 15mm Beastmen from Splintered Light's Kickstarter last year or so. I got those for Dragon Rampant, but the miniatures sit unpainted. Each of the units in the 'skirmish' set I got from the kickstarter is short a few miniatures for units in DR. But that is another story for another post.
Well, I hope some of you find this Beastmen set useful.

Printing the Counters
You can print the counter sheer at places like Staples, using 110lb card stock paper printed at actual size. You can also print on regular paper and then glue the counters to wooden bases. (Check the older posts on how I did this with my Empire army.) Do not print the pdf to "fit margins." Always print at 100%. I like printing the counter sets on good copy paper, spray gluing the dull side of a 'Silver Age' comic backing board with Super 77, attaching a sheet to the board, and then cutting out the counters using a sharp Xacto knife with a steel ruler. Using the backing boards makes for cheap, sturdy counters. I like keeping the shiny side down to make moving them easier on a table. (Note: This set is designed to fit Silver Age and larger comic backing boards.)